Mayans: Creation, Art & Science

Mayans: Creation, Art & Science

According to the Mayans, in 2012 the world was supposed to end…

However, here we are celebrating the magic, creativity, science, and the great cultural heritage that this human group, which forms part of our nation, has inherited us.

The Mayans –the first culture in the world to use number zero in math– were extraordinary builders, not only for the greatness of their pyramids, but also for the intelligence with which they planned the commercial routes of the products that arrived from the sea and were to be distributed to all the populations in land. They were artists –not only for the stela that we still preserve in countless archaeological sites, known and yet to be discovered– but also for the multiple geometric designs that still inspire us today. Astronomers, artists of colour, of words, of humanism: in all, a culture that will never disappear, despite all predictions.

Today we honour this national pride in pieces that bring out the multiple faces of the richness that the Mayans have left us, and that we must honour for the future generations.

This collection was displayed at the 8th Expo Patchwork and Quilt Mexico City 2016, as well as the Biennale Internationale d’Art Textile in Beaujolais, France (2016), the 2016 Summer Festival of Quilts in the Bajío and theInternational Quilt Festival in Suzdal, Russia (2016).

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